Kindle dictionary

Procedure to generate a kindle dictionary

  • Download startDict from
  • Download a free "Dutch to French" dictionary such as the one provided by FreeDict (under GPL). For example stardict-freedict-nld-fra-2.4.2.tar.bz2.
  • Extract it; in the resulting directory rename the ".dz" file into a ".gz" file and extract it again (7-zip on windows).
  • Use startDictEditor to "decompile" the dictionnary. You should end up with a "tab delimited" ASCII file "word TAB definition".
  • Use tab2opf ( to convert the tab file to an opf file.
  • Edit the opf file to:
  • Execute mobigen ( on the opf file to generate a mobi file.
  • Copy it on your kindle.
  • Sources
